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5th Grade Newspaper

Cross and Clouds


This section is all about of Chapel every week. We want others who may not be able to attend to be blessed with the message just as we are every week!​

Written by: Dasia

This week at chapel was amazing, and I'm pretty sure the message spoke to everyone! The worship songs we did this week were "Good God Almighty", "Happy Dance", "Fix My Eyes", and "Only Jesus". This week Raegan and Taya sang "Rise a Halleluiah", and they did amazing! The Scripture we read this week was Matthew 6: 25-26. The speaker, Epi, did an amazing job at speaking. He was talking about being content, which is being happy with what you have instead of wanting more. Don't force yourself to be content, trust God will help you. Even when times are hard trust that the Lord will take care of you. Trust that God will have the best plan for you. God is always there to protect and love you. He will never leave and he is always willing to forgive you!


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